Saturday 27 September 2014

A Room Without A View

I have officially been at the University of Bristol for a week and it's been rather crazy. After having a relatively quiet and sad first day, as I only had two other people in my flat (one never leaving his room and the other being completely wet) the week has become marginally better. One more person arrived, a girl this time, who I actually have a lot in common with and who actually wants to go out and be social. However, I constantly have this paranoia that everyone I tag along with is annoyed with me. My flat is quiet. We don't usually pre-drink together because half the people don't even want to go out so we find another flat. That's where I feel unwanted.

I live in the city centre with a lot of noise and a car park to look out on too, but I'm used to it being from the big city Birmingham. I look around and I feel like everyone has made best friends already and I'm sat in my room going insane and still watching Friends reruns. I'm really trying my best though. I have met some great people but you know when someone gives you a look or says something weird and you become incredibly uncomfortable? Yeah, that happens to me a lot. I think I must blow it straight out of proportion. Everyone's nervous, everyone's uncomfortable, everyone's new. So, I have kept trying and I've had some great nights.

The other day I felt a bit low. I've already got 'fresher's flu' and I was feeling lonely. But it is getting easier. I feel way more comfortable in my flat now - I was just watching Friends in the kitchen in a rather unflattering position and didn't give two shits what anyone thought! I just wish I had a more of a 'family flat' which everyone else seems to have. There I go again, comparing myself to everyone else. But I do feel like I'm getting better. Rather than letting that paranoia and jealousy eat me away, I've fought it. I still constantly text people to ask what they're doing. I still invite people out. I still tag along. And because I do that, I've had some great nights. I just really don't want another dreadful three years after my years at college.

Bristol is beautiful. I've already fallen in love with all the buildings and rivers and boats and cafes and bars and pubs and amazing things. There's always something to do here...However, there is a massive hill up to the university that will be the death of me. I wonder if Kate Bush was thinking about this hill when writing 'Running up that Hill' because my god, it is huge. Luckily, doing English means I'm only in 7 hours a week (I know and I'm paying £9000 a year) so less time for me to walk up that hill. I've come to every lecture so far drenched in sweat. Not a good first impression. (It's really not, people actively don't talk to me because of it but they're bitches). One bit of advice, don't bother with bitches. Work out who are the twats early on and don't spend time with them. You're amazing and they're not worth it.

Well, this blog post was a bit all over the place, which is just like my brain right now. I'm still settling in but I felt that I should write something to let you guys know how it's going. I'm sorry about this being so dreadful. Better post next time! I promise!


  1. I started uni as well, just last month and your experience seems so much more fascinating than mine. I study in my local uni, close to home so yeah. But I hope everything gets well for you. Bristol seems like a wonderful place to start uni in. <3

  2. Ah been missing your posts for a while! looking forward to reading some more!

  3. Oh we started uni at the same time. This is so great that you keep being positive. I am obstinate to do so too but i often feel the urge to fuck up everything. I don't know where i'm heading to, i want to be friends with people like me, and i'm so exigeant i'm so picky i feel like i don't want to waste my time on relationships wich are boring to me. I'm so dumb, i know i often don't have the ability to appreciate people as they are. You're right, being kind requires guts. I'm obsessive like in #unfucktheworld

    1. I am exactly the same. I'm so picky with people that I meet but it can be a good thing because then you make the right friends, which I luckily have. It can take time, but they'll come along. I'd say, be brave! Go out and talk to people. Go to societies and say hello. Start merging. And just because you're picky doesn't mean you're not kind.


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